Amphibian - Animals who live both on land and sea.
Anthology - Collection of poems.
Altruist - One who considers happiness & well-being of others.
Atheist - One who does not believe in God.
Anthropologist - One who studies the evolution of mankind.
Autobiography - The life history of a person written by himself.
Arsenal - The place for ammunition and weapons.
Archive - A place where govt. or public records are kept.
Amateur - The man who does a thing for pleasure.
Astrologer – The person who studies the influence of heavenly bodies on human beings.
Astronomer – A person who studies heavenly bodies.
Axiom – A statement which is accepted as true without proof.
Agenda – A list of the heading of the business to be transacted at a meeting.
Anarchist – One who destroys all governance, law & order.
Almanac – An annual calendar with the position of stars.
Cosmopolitan – A person who regards the whole world as his country.
Chauffer – A person who drives a motor car.
Curator – A person-in-charge of a museum.
Cannibal – One who feeds on human flesh.
Cynosure – Center of attraction.
Dormitory – The rooms with overall beats especially in a college or institution.
Ephemeral – The things which last one day.
Effeminate – A person who is momauish.
Epicure – A person devoted to the pleasure of eating and drinking.
Emigrant – A person who leaves his own country and lives in another.
Fanatic – One who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm in religious matter.
Fatal – Causing death.
Fugitive – One who runs away from justice on the law.
Genocide – Murder of race.
Horticulture – The art of cultivating and managing gardens.
Homicide – Murder of man.
Heretic – One who acts against religion.
Inevitable – Incapable of being avoided.
Immigrant – A person who comes to one country from another to settle there.
Infallible – One who is free from all failures and mistakes.
Infantry – Soldiers who fight on fool.
Lunatic Asylum – A home for lunatics.
Lexicographer – One who compiles a dictionary.
Loquacious – One who talks continuously.
Linguist – One who is skilled in foreign languages.
Misanthrope – A nature of mankind.
Misogamist – One who hates marriages.
Mortuary – A place where dead bodies are kept for post mortem.
Missionary – A person who is sent to propagate religion.
Novice – Inexperienced or new to something.
Optimist – A person who looks at the brighter side of things.
Omnipresent – One who is present everywhere.
Omnipotent – One who is all powerful.
Omniscient – One who knows everything.
Pessimist – A person who looks at the darker side of things.
Philanthropist – The lover of mankind.
Patricide – Murder of father.
Philatelist – One who collects stamps.
Plagiarism – Literally theft or passing of an authors original work as one’s own.
Philanderer - One who amuses himself through love.
Regicide – The murder of the king and queen.
Somnambulist – One who walks in sleep.
Utopia – An imaginary perfect social and political system.
Versatile – A person who is clever in doing different things.
Veteran – One who is having a long experience of any occupation.
Venial – A fault that cannot be forgiven.
Parole – Pledge gave by a prisoner for temporary release, not to escape.
Anthology - Collection of poems.
Altruist - One who considers happiness & well-being of others.
Atheist - One who does not believe in God.
Anthropologist - One who studies the evolution of mankind.
Autobiography - The life history of a person written by himself.
Arsenal - The place for ammunition and weapons.
Archive - A place where govt. or public records are kept.
Amateur - The man who does a thing for pleasure.
Astrologer – The person who studies the influence of heavenly bodies on human beings.
Astronomer – A person who studies heavenly bodies.
Axiom – A statement which is accepted as true without proof.
Agenda – A list of the heading of the business to be transacted at a meeting.
Anarchist – One who destroys all governance, law & order.
Almanac – An annual calendar with the position of stars.
Cosmopolitan – A person who regards the whole world as his country.
Chauffer – A person who drives a motor car.
Curator – A person-in-charge of a museum.
Cannibal – One who feeds on human flesh.
Cynosure – Center of attraction.
Dormitory – The rooms with overall beats especially in a college or institution.
Ephemeral – The things which last one day.
Effeminate – A person who is momauish.
Epicure – A person devoted to the pleasure of eating and drinking.
Emigrant – A person who leaves his own country and lives in another.
Fanatic – One who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm in religious matter.
Fatal – Causing death.
Fugitive – One who runs away from justice on the law.
Genocide – Murder of race.
Horticulture – The art of cultivating and managing gardens.
Homicide – Murder of man.
Heretic – One who acts against religion.
Inevitable – Incapable of being avoided.
Immigrant – A person who comes to one country from another to settle there.
Infallible – One who is free from all failures and mistakes.
Infantry – Soldiers who fight on fool.
Lunatic Asylum – A home for lunatics.
Lexicographer – One who compiles a dictionary.
Loquacious – One who talks continuously.
Linguist – One who is skilled in foreign languages.
Misanthrope – A nature of mankind.
Misogamist – One who hates marriages.
Mortuary – A place where dead bodies are kept for post mortem.
Missionary – A person who is sent to propagate religion.
Novice – Inexperienced or new to something.
Optimist – A person who looks at the brighter side of things.
Omnipresent – One who is present everywhere.
Omnipotent – One who is all powerful.
Omniscient – One who knows everything.
Pessimist – A person who looks at the darker side of things.
Philanthropist – The lover of mankind.
Patricide – Murder of father.
Philatelist – One who collects stamps.
Plagiarism – Literally theft or passing of an authors original work as one’s own.
Philanderer - One who amuses himself through love.
Regicide – The murder of the king and queen.
Somnambulist – One who walks in sleep.
Utopia – An imaginary perfect social and political system.
Versatile – A person who is clever in doing different things.
Veteran – One who is having a long experience of any occupation.
Venial – A fault that cannot be forgiven.
Parole – Pledge gave by a prisoner for temporary release, not to escape.