Make prank computer virus
Computer VirusX=MsgBox("You Cannot Access This Computer.Please Contact Mr.Hanif",4+64,"computer")
X=MsgBox("Unable to fix this error. Do you want to scan your computer",3+48,"computer scan")
X=MsgBox("Alert! virus has been detected. Do you want to delete this virus",3+16,"Alert")
X=MsgBox("Unable to delete this virus",1+60,"Critical Error")
X=MsgBox("Virus is Activated",2+16,"Virus Alert")
X=MsgBox("Deleting System Files..",2+16,"File Deletion")
X=MsgBox("Virus is copying your password..",2+48,"Virus Alert")
X=MsgBox("Please wait. Uploading your files to hack the server. Do you want to stop it?",4+64,"File Transfer")
X=MsgBox("Cannot Stop. File Transfer is Completed?",1+16,"Completed")
X=MsgBox("Your Computer is Hacked",1+64,"Hacked")
X=MsgBox("you Cannot Access Your computer anymore..",1+64,"computer Hacked")
X=MsgBox("This was PRANK,There is no Virus",1+64,"No Virus")
Note: When you save this file choose a file name then type .vbs